Handling Clients Complaints


The purpose of this procedure is to handle all received complaints from certified clients or the open market regarding OEQ or its certified clients.

Investigating to determine the root cause for the nonconformance.

Initiating corrective action to eliminate the root cause.

Monitoring the effectiveness of implementation of corrective actions.


Applicable to all received complaints against OEQ or its certified clients through written or verbal sources.

Definitions & Abbreviations

Top Management: Governing body including MD & EC

MD: Managing Director

OEQ: OEQ Certification Pvt. Ltd.

MR: Management Representative

CA: Corrective Action


Complaints received from various sources, such as clients and legal authorities, through email.

Technical Director acknowledges receipt and validates the complaint.

If valid, forms an ACTION TEAM different from the audit team.

Team investigates, implements corrective actions, and monitors effectiveness.

Technical Director communicates the resolution to the complainant.

Director accesses the email for received appeals.

Director acknowledges the appellants about receipt of appeal through email.

Director validates the appeal through appropriate sources.

If the appeal is not valid, the Managing Director responds to the appellant with justification.

If the appeal is valid, the Managing Director & EC form an ACTION TEAM.

Team members will differ from those involved in prior audits and certification decisions.

Action Team initiates interim short-term containment action.

The team checks if similar appeals were reported in the past three years.

Action Team investigates the concern raised in the appeal.

EC verifies the investigation outcomes.

Action Team proposes suitable corrective action.

EC and Technical Director validate the proposed action and recommend implementation.

If implementation is delayed, the Technical Director provides updates to the appellant.

Action Team establishes elements to track action effectiveness.

Actions are horizontally deployed in other areas/processes, and the appeal is closed.

Director/EC formally communicates the resolution to the appellant.