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ISO 22000

Food Safety Management System

ISO 22000 is a globally recognized standard focused on food safety management systems. It offers a framework for organizations to ensure the safety of their food products from farm to fork. By implementing ISO 22000, businesses can enhance consumer trust, prevent foodborne illnesses, comply with regulations, and demonstrate their commitment to food safety.

Benefits of ISO 22000 Certification

ISO 22000 Certification offers a comprehensive framework for ensuring food safety throughout the entire supply chain. It enhances consumer trust by demonstrating a commitment to high-quality, safe food production. This certification empowers organizations to navigate complex regulatory landscapes, streamline operations, and bolster their reputation as providers of safe and reliable food products.

Food Safety Assurance

Ensures Customer Food Safety

Regulatory Alignment

Aligns with Global Food Safety Standards

Consumer Trust

Builds Confidence in Food Products

Supply Chain Transparency

Promotes Traceable Food Production

Risk Mitigation

Identifies and Manages Food Safety Risks

Global Market Entry

Facilitates Access to International Markets with Stronger Brand Image

Sustainability Focus

Promotes Ethical and Sustainable Food Practices

Crisis Readiness

Prepares for Effective Food Safety Incident Response

The Journey to Achieve ISO 22000 Certification

Embarking on the journey to achieve ISO 22000 Certification is a systematic process designed to ensure robust food safety practices within your organization. This comprehensive journey involves a series of essential steps that collectively contribute to enhancing food safety measures and aligning with internationally recognized standards. Here's a detailed look at the stages involved:
Gap Analysis
Begin by conducting a thorough evaluation of your current food safety practices in comparison to the ISO 22000 requirements. This process helps identify areas where your existing practices align with the standard and where improvements are needed. The insights gained from this analysis provide a clear roadmap for your certification journey.
Develop a comprehensive Food Safety Management System (FSMS) manual, along with well-defined policies and procedures. This documentation outlines the specific food safety objectives and practices your organization will adhere to. The documentation serves as a vital reference, guiding your team in implementing and maintaining effective food safety measures.
Translating documented objectives into actions is key. Communicate the established FSMS goals to all members of your organization. Providing relevant training ensures that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities in upholding food safety standards. Active involvement of top management is crucial, as their commitment fosters a culture of food safety across the organization.
Internal Audit
Regular systematic audits are conducted to assess the compliance of your FSMS with ISO 22000. These audits delve into the processes, procedures, and practices to identify any non-conformities or areas for improvement. The insights gained from internal audits offer valuable feedback and enable you to address issues proactively.
Corrective Actions
When non-conformities are identified during internal audits, it's essential to take corrective measures. Root cause analysis helps uncover the underlying reasons behind these issues. Implementing effective corrective actions not only resolves existing problems but also prevents their recurrence, strengthening your FSMS.
Management Review
Regular reviews of your FSMS's performance are conducted by top management. These reviews ensure that the system remains adequate and effective in meeting your organization's objectives. This stage provides an opportunity to assess the outcomes of the FSMS and make necessary adjustments.
Certification Body Selection
Choose an accredited certification body experienced in ISO 22000 audits. The selected body's expertise and reputation play a crucial role in determining the credibility and acceptance of your ISO 22000 certification.
Stage 1 Audit
The certification process begins with an initial audit that evaluates your FSMS's readiness for certification. This stage involves assessing whether your documentation, processes, and implementation align with ISO 22000 requirements.
Stage 2 Audit
A comprehensive audit is conducted to thoroughly assess the effectiveness, compliance, and real-world implementation of your FSMS. This audit involves reviewing records, conducting interviews, and on-site observations to ensure that your food safety practices meet the standard's criteria.
Non-Conformity Resolution
If any non-conformities are identified during the audit, these issues need to be addressed. Corrective actions are taken to resolve the identified gaps, further strengthening the integrity of your FSMS.
Certification Decision
Based on the findings of the audits and the effectiveness of the corrective actions, the certification body makes a decision regarding the grant of ISO 22000 certification. This decision reflects your organization's commitment to upholding food safety standards.

At OEQ, our specialized team of technical experts and auditors is committed to guiding you through every step of the ISO 22000 certification process. Whether through email or phone, we're here to provide the support and information you need to embark on a successful journey toward ISO 22000 certification.

Do You Want To Transfer Your ISO Certificate

As per ISO rule, you can transfer you existing ISO certificate from one certification body to another at any point of time. The existing certification body can not hold this transfer. If you like to know more about transfer please contact us.